Our Services

We can help you "show" the jury the key legal arguments, giving you the tools necessary for winning results.

Applying the power of visual communications to key arguments gives you the power of persuasion and a distinct advantage over written or spoken words alone.

Numerous studies have shown that the vast majority, approximately 65%, of the general population learns best by seeing information, while only 20% prefer hearing it, and 15% learn best by feeling or experiencing. Thus, attorneys should be well aware of their communication style and, if too verbose, should consider incorporating more visual information, to communicate the point to their target audience (the jury).

Timelines, Charts, Graphs and Diagrams

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Facts and data usually aren't enough to persuade. Our creative graphic designers help you get the results you need by creating compelling visuals that drive your “case in point” home

3D Illustrations and Animations

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Animations enhance a graphic presentation when a virtual model or views from different vantage points are required. Thanks to computers, demonstrative examples are more powerful than ever.

Medical Illustrations and Colored Film

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it is imperative that specific details are illustrated to demonstrate your client's condition or surgical procedure. Black and white film is usually hard to interpret, we can “bring it to life” to help win the case.

Interactive Presentations

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A well-designed interactive presentation can help the viewer understand the elaborate relationships between extensive layers of data and exhibits, to better understand the key themes of your case.